Friday, 6 April 2018

Mapa da estratégia da universidade de huddersfield

não outro blog de psicogeografia.
estudos em decadência urbana, renovação e utopia.
Quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro, das 18h às 20h no edifício Harold Wilson, térreo, sala 5 (HWG / 05), Universidade de Huddersfield. Link do mapa aqui: hud. ac. uk/media/assets/document/maps/CampusMap. pdf.
Ian Parker (acadêmico, ativista, analista) falará sobre seu novo livro Palavras-chave revolucionárias para uma nova esquerda com David Bollinger (psicogeógrafo).
Palavras-chave revolucionárias para uma nova esquerda compreende ensaios curtos sobre cinquenta palavras-chave revolucionárias, cada palavra sendo posta a trabalhar em uma questão política contemporânea. Com palavras-chave que vão da acadêmização ao neoliberalismo, do pós-colonial ao sionismo e com temas como Badiou, Coréia do Norte, violência sexual e Žižek, o livro conclui com um ensaio mapeando o desenvolvimento de palavras-chave progressivas antes de nosso século de revolução, que começou em 1917, palavras-chave que surgiram nos cinquenta anos de luta entre 1917 e 1967 e palavras-chave revolucionárias para a nova esquerda hoje. Palavras-chave revolucionárias é um exercício de análise crítica aplicada do discurso.
Palavras-chave revolucionárias para uma nova esquerda é publicado pela Zero Books. Mais informações aqui: zero-books / books / revolutionary-keywords-new-left.
Para reservar o seu lugar para a palestra e o lançamento do livro, entre em contato com Alex Bridger em: a. j.bridger@hud. ac. uk.
Quem é David Bollinger? E quem é Fenella Brandenberg?
David Bollinger e Fenella Brandenberg são os principais psicogeógrafos do mundo! Se você quiser saber mais sobre o trabalho deles, visite o IV Congresso Mundial de Psicogeografia, no Heritage Quay, de 8 a 10 de setembro. Mais detalhes disponíveis em: 4wcop.
Caminhando para Waterloo.
Eu estive pesquisando a batalha de Waterloo, as Guerras Napoleônicas e também aprendendo sobre os jogos de guerra nos últimos dois meses. Assim, no dia 18 de junho de 2015, decidi combinar meus interesses com a história política, os jogos de guerra e a psicogeografia, fazendo um derivativo na & ndash; Waterloo em Huddersfield. O objetivo de tal caminhada não é glorificar a guerra, mas sim comemora-la, bem como usar a prática da caminhada lúdica como uma maneira de explorar o contexto social contemporâneo do neoliberalismo. Eu não estou discutindo aqui por um corte direto e colado do situacionismo em minha prática de caminhar, mas em vez de usar este blog como um veículo & # 8217; por estender como e se idéias situacionistas e quaisquer outras idéias e práticas políticas podem ser usadas em relação a considerar e criticar as condições do neoliberalismo e descobrir quais mudanças sociais podem e devem ser feitas.
Comecei descobrindo quantos outros Waterloos havia no Reino Unido. Da minha pesquisa no site da Wikipedia, eu acho que mencionou que havia 18 outros Waterloos no Reino Unido & # 8211; com o que a maioria das pessoas conhece como sendo a estação de trem de Waterloo em Londres. Então, depois de um quadro de exames no trabalho, decidi ir para Waterloo, em Huddersfield. A bandeira britânica estava voando a pleno mastro na Universidade de Huddersfield, que eu assumi que fosse para marcar o aniversário da batalha de Waterloo, onde muitas vidas foram tristemente perdidas.
Eu programei em Waterloo na minha nav-sat Tomtom e segui para a Waterloo Road. Quando cheguei lá, na verdade, era bem difícil estacionar naquela rua e estacionei na esquina. Em outra esquina, encontrei um centro médico e um pub com o nome de Waterloo.
As estradas circunvizinhas eram inacreditavelmente ocupadas e não era o lugar mais confortável em qual caminhar. Parecia estar preso em um mar de carros que bloqueava possíveis maneiras de explorar o ambiente. Eu acho que o ponto de um dérive deveria ser explorar as ressonâncias afetivas de lugares e onde nos sentimos atraídos para longe e eu estava claramente ciente do cheiro de fumaça de carros e ruídos de carros. E assim continuei andando e decidi descer a Waterloo Road e me deparei com algumas marcações de estrada interessantes.
Com os meus jogos psicogeográficos psicogeográficos, hat & # 8217; Eu interpretei essas marcas como unidades de escaramuça em um tabuleiro gigante de Kriegsspiel. Para os leitores que não estão familiarizados com alguns dos termos usados, refiro-me aqui à versão de Kriegsspiel de Debord. Para os leitores interessados ​​em aprender mais sobre esse jogo, eles podem querer conferir o maravilhoso site hospedado pelo coletivo Class War-games em: classwargames /? P = 1636. Então eu prossegui com a caminhada e desci por outra estrada e fui recebido por um sinal bastante interessante que indicava "NÃO PASSEIO DE CAVALO".
Como poderia a cavalaria passar se os cavalos não fossem permitidos ?! Talvez isso tenha sido uma adição deliberada de uma nova regra para conferir vantagem particular ou não às outras tropas? Eu me senti curioso sobre o que estava por trás da placa do cavalo e decidi entrar no deserto de Waterloo.
Baixo e eis que eu encontrei as linhas de comunicação! Debord explica em seu relato do jogo Kriegspiel, que as linhas de comunicação são importantes como um meio de obter vantagem sobre os oponentes de um adversário e, finalmente, para derrubá-los. E assim continuei em frente e cheguei a uma ponte que levava a algum lugar!
Neste ponto, eu estava andando por cerca de uma hora e comecei a sentir fome, então decidi voltar para casa! Aqui termina o relatório do dérive.
Congresso Mundial de Suturas Perambulatórias: Huddersfield e Leeds 13/14 de maio de 2015.
Como parte de uma série de eventos em relação ao Congresso Mundial de Suturas Perambulatórias, dois eventos muito especiais aconteceram & # 8211; o coletivo de Aulas de Guerra organizou uma performance participativa do Debord's Game of War na Universidade de Huddersfield no dia 13 de maio e o primeiro de vários eventos de lançamento de livros para uma coleção editada de ensaios psicogeográficos no livro de Richardson. Inside Out: A psicogeografia britânica contemporânea aconteceu na Universidade de Leeds em 14 de maio.
No primeiro evento, a Rede Psicogeográfica de Huddersfield deu as boas-vindas aos camaradas da Wargames de Classe Richard Barbrook e Fabian Tompsett, que introduziram os procedimentos que foram seguidos por um curta-metragem sobre Debord's Game of War e depois por uma performance participativa. do jogo. A Rede Psicogeográfica Huddersfied estava muito interessada em convidar o coletivo Class Wargames para Huddersfield, a fim de aprender a jogar o jogo e também vislumbrar novas táticas para permitir uma mudança social revolucionária! Também queríamos encontrar Richard e Fabian tendo lido muitos de seus excelentes artigos e livros ao longo dos anos através da Associação Psicogeográfica de Londres e outros textos como Jogos de Guerra de Classes: Subversão Lúdica Contra o Capitalismo Espetacular, Futuros Imaginários e várias outras publicações de Livros Populares. A Rede Psicogeográfica de Huddersfield também estava interessada em aprender mais sobre algumas das idéias centrais do coletivo Classe de Jogos de Guerra, incluindo: explorar o jogo como uma metáfora para explorar as relações sociais sob o neoliberalismo; criando espaços para as pessoas se encontrarem e se envolverem em atividades lúdicas e também para reencenar lutas proletárias de formas lúdicas. Muitas pessoas interessadas no trabalho dos situacionistas geralmente se concentram em sua fase de atividade, onde conduziram e escreveram sobre psicogeografia e derivação urbana. No entanto, a fase posterior do trabalho de Debord, na verdade, leva uma mudança bastante diferente de & # 8216; e ele se posiciona como estrategista e não como filósofo e decide criar um jogo de tabuleiro político. Debord indica que:
& # 8216; Eu estudei a lógica da guerra. Além disso, consegui, há muito tempo, apresentar os fundamentos de seus movimentos como um jogo de tabuleiro: as forças em disputa e as necessidades contraditórias impostas às operações de cada uma das duas partes. Eu joguei o jogo da guerra, e, na conduta frequentemente difícil de minha vida, eu usei lições disto & # 8211; Também estabeleci as regras do jogo para esta vida e as segui. Sobre a questão de saber se aproveitei bem essas lições, deixarei para os outros decidirem & # 8217; (Debord & # 8211; Panegyric).
O coletivo Class Wargames indicou no evento em Huddersfield que isso não era apenas um jogo, mas que na verdade era um guia de como as pessoas deveriam viver suas vidas com a sociedade contemporânea. Então, ao jogar este simulador de Clausewitz, os ativistas revolucionários poderiam aprender a lutar e vencer contra os opressores da sociedade espetacular. A Rede Psicogeográfica de Huddersfield concorda inteiramente com o coletivo Class Wargames e com os argumentos de Debord aqui! Então, nessa nota, fizemos como Debord e bebemos vinho, discutimos a estratégia política e consideramos novas táticas para a mudança social revolucionária vis-à-vis o cenário da Batalha de Marengo.
Para não esquecermos de mencionar, houve uma participação especial de David Bollinger, diretor da Associação de Psicogeografia de West Yorkshire no evento Class Wargames da Universidade de Huddersfield. Sua contribuição foi vital para permitir que os austríacos ganhassem a batalha de Marengo, transformando a história em sua cabeça & # 8217; e impedindo os franceses de ganhar!
O segundo evento foi organizado por Tina Richardson, executiva e chefe do Leeds Psychogeographic Group, para lançar a publicação de uma coleção editada de ensaios de psicogeógrafos no Reino Unido. O livro deve ser lançado em julho de 2015 e é intitulado Walking Inside Out: Contemporary Psychogeography britânico. Muitos psicogeógrafos de todo o mundo participaram do lançamento, incluindo Fabian Tompsett, da London Psychogeographical Association, vários membros da Huddersfield Psychogeographical Network, como Alex Bridger, Leeds Psychogeographers, incluindo Tim Waters e Tina Richardson, e também psicogeógrafos parisienses que haviam voado da França para comparecer! Este foi realmente um grande Congresso Mundial de proporções épicas! Tina Richardson começou os procedimentos dando uma visão geral do livro e lendo trechos selecionados dos capítulos de livros. Em seguida, Alex Bridger apresentou uma leitura selecionada de seu capítulo sobre antipsicologia, psicogeografia e mudança social. Em seguida, seguiu algumas perguntas, um breve desvio do campus e uma excursão ao bar da Universidade!
A Rede Psicogeográfica de Huddersfield concorda com o relato de Richardson sobre os procedimentos do Congresso Mundial de que a "concentração geográfica" destes dois eventos esta semana & # 8217; provavelmente mudou as linhas ley psicogeográficas em todo o Reino Unido. Embora se as linhas mudaram, então onde está a psicogeografia agora e como ela se parece? Mais escritos a seguir sobre esta questão & # 8211; assista este blog!
Se você estiver interessado em ler mais sobre este Congresso Mundial, por favor, confira a conta do camarada Richardson no seguinte site: particulations. blogspot. co. uk/2015/05/the-world-congress-of-perambulatory. html.
Laibach, teoria e política situacionista.
Pergunta: Como é que um "&" faz & # 8217; desconstrução e desvio, sem se tornar simplesmente um empreendimento acadêmico?
Resposta: Laibach. O que é interessante sobre essa banda metal / industrial / rock alemã é o uso de estratégias situacionistas, como o desvio e a provocação, e também a desconstrução discursiva de idéias como o estado-nação, o capitalismo e a imigração. para mais informações, confira o trabalho da Parker em "Micronações do eu em tempos de guerra" & # 8217; na Psicologia após o livro de análise do discurso & # 8211; leitura interessante 🙂 Alguns conceitos e idéias realmente interessantes aqui que eu quero desenvolver em algum trabalho futuro!

Por favor, espere. Carregando.
Conferências & gt; Conversa Grande: Brexit para o setor de HE.
Denunciar conteúdo.
Obrigado por denunciar este item.
A série anual Big Conversation da AUDE oferece aos membros a oportunidade de discutir, debater e trocar opiniões sobre os tópicos mais quentes do ensino superior. Na quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2017, a AUDE realizou seu evento inaugural no Brexit para o setor HE na London School of Economics.
Mais de 70 delegados compareceram, uma mistura de membros da AUDE, fornecedores e especialistas do setor do setor. Apresentado por Simon Fanshawe, os delegados foram recebidos e o dia começou com o Professor Sir Ian Diamond nos conduzindo através dos principais eventos no ensino superior ao longo das décadas. Ele falou sobre como em face do desafio deve sempre vir a mudança e as propriedades podem responder através da inovação e fornecendo instalações de classe mundial.
Um resumo das mensagens principais.
No plenário dois, ouvimos de três instituições que falaram sobre como estão administrando sua universidade em um ambiente Brexit; medindo a resposta de seus departamentos de comunicações, operações e finanças. Peter Aitchi filho, diretor de comunicações e relações públicas da Universidade de Glasgow, aconselhou manter a calma, gerenciar e arriscar e procurar vitórias, comentando que ele é um motor vital da economia. Andrew Burgess, vice-chefe de operações da Universidade de Loughborough, nos pediu para considerar a influência que HE e propriedades têm sobre a situação em que agora nos encontramos, ressaltando que devemos utilizar nossa rede para ouvir e considerar como avançamos, evitando a complacência. Andrew McConnell OBE, diretores financeiros da Universidade de Huddersfield e Stephen Willis, diretor financeiro da Universidade de Hull nos orientaram nos números e no TAX / VAT particularmente sobre como entender seus níveis de excedente (ou lucro, dependendo de quem é seu público!) para continuar com a expansão da propriedade e a importância de saber onde você está no índice de segurança financeira ao executar sua estratégia Brexit. Em geral, os palestrantes deram uma visão positiva e pragmática das oportunidades para HE e propriedades.
A terceira sessão plenária foi apresentada por Sir Simon Hughes, Sarah Seed de Mills & amp; Reeve e Ant Bagshaw de Wonkhe. Mais uma vez, muito foi coberto sobre as oportunidades que o Brexit apresenta, mas mais ênfase foi dada à necessidade de as universidades procurarem as novas formas de financiamento e melhorarem o seu lobby. O ônus é das universidades em falar sobre o seu sucesso fora do setor, assim como no interior, para oferecer seus recursos às comunidades locais e para manter a colegialidade que temos diante do aumento da concorrência.

Mapa estratégico da universidade de Huddersfield
Novas técnicas de seleção e aplicação de bicos podem ajudar a direcionar melhor a aveia selvagem nesta primavera, com 90% de bicos de redução de deriva buscando resultados positivos e.
Nova Era para o controle de doenças como fungicida SDHI ganha aceitação britânica em cevada para cerveja e destilação.
Produtores britânicos de cevada para cerveja e destilação poderão usar o novo fungicida Elatus Era nas safras nesta temporada.
Início antecipado da proteção do feijão.
Os Roadshows do PGRO deste ano ouviram como uma aplicação inicial do Amistar no programa de proteção contra doenças pode aumentar a eficiência das folhas verdes e a saúde das plantas.
Venha nos conhecer.
Estamos realizando uma série de eventos, desde reuniões de café da manhã até atualizações de campo.
Ferramentas de agronomia.
Registre-se para serviços de alerta de pragas e doenças, incluindo BlightCast e BruchidCast.
Pre-em no alvo.
Vá devagar, vá devagar, seja coberto - o melhor conselho de aplicação.
Vibrance Duo.
Tratamento de sementes de cereais SDHI com RootingPower ™
Decidir sobre um programa de fungicida adequado para estações e pressões variáveis ​​é crítico para o potencial de rendimento. Nós estamos aqui para ajudar.
Atualmente, temos sementes experimentais disponíveis para testes de Spring Barley 2018. Por favor note que nós não fornecemos diretamente aos agricultores ou fora do.
Manter o poder permanente em campos inundados.
Apesar de uma chuva média na maioria dos lugares neste inverno, algumas áreas têm visto mais do que seu quinhão, fazendo com que os campos fiquem encharcados à medida que avançamos para a primavera.
Meta de primavera para aplicação de aveia selvagem.
Novas técnicas de seleção e aplicação de bicos podem ajudar a direcionar melhor a aveia selvagem nesta primavera, com 90% de bicos de redução de deriva buscando resultados positivos e.
Ferrugem amarela - pegue cedo.
A ferrugem amarela está aparecendo já este ano nos nossos locais em Stamford, Beeswax, Rougham, Warwick e Luton.
Início antecipado da proteção do feijão.
Os Roadshows do PGRO deste ano ouviram como uma aplicação inicial do Amistar no programa de proteção contra doenças pode aumentar a eficiência da folha verde e a saúde das plantas.
Nova era para o controle de doenças como fungicida SDHI ganha aceitação britânica em cevada para cerveja e destilação.
Produtores britânicos de cevada para cerveja e destilação poderão usar o novo fungicida Elatus Era nas safras nesta temporada.
Problemas emergentes no solo para os produtores de ervilhas.
O fungo Aphanomyces, do solo, pode dizimar o estabelecimento de plântulas de ervilha - com 70% da área de cultivo de ervilha sendo afetada, de acordo com as últimas pesquisas. Os produtores precisarão.
FEIRA: a variedade de escolha para destilação de grãos.
Compreender as especificações para o mercado final para o qual você está cultivando sua safra de cevada de primavera é fundamental; variedades diferentes precisarão de programas de nitrogênio personalizados em ordem.
Tempos incertos, mas mercado real para cevada de malte de primavera.
Incertezas como Brexit podem ser perturbadoras, mas produzir o tipo certo de cevada para malte de primavera ainda oferece uma oportunidade real de mercado.
Fruit Logistica dá a chance de provar o veg.
A Fruit Logistica oferece aos produtores do Reino Unido a oportunidade de ver e experimentar algumas das mais recentes inovações na indústria de produtos frescos.
InSpire suas decisões primavera PGR.
O InSpire é uma nova ferramenta on-line para ajudar a adaptar as decisões de PGR mais eficazes - incorporando uma combinação de condições ambientais e características varietais a.
À procura de aves das terras agrícolas - Comece a contar agora.
Envolva-se com o Big Farmland Bird Count para mostrar que a ação positiva dos agricultores pode fazer uma diferença real para as populações de aves.
Spring clean para OSR sai durante o inverno.
As safras de colza e oleaginosa têm, na maior parte, saído do inverno notavelmente limpas de doenças - especialmente dada a intensa pressão precoce de Phoma que era bem controlada.
Rooting para início da primavera desencadear o crescimento de OSR.
Estruturas fortes de raiz OSR colocadas ao longo do outono são susceptíveis de desencadear o rápido crescimento da primavera, que os produtores precisam estar prontos para gerenciar.
Aproveite ao máximo seus EFAs.
Phacelia é uma das opções semeadas para cumprir os compromissos da EFA que poderiam trazer benefícios ambientais e agronômicos, de acordo com Simon Beddows, um fazendeiro de Oxfordshire.
Transformação digital da agricultura futura.
O novo Syngenta Digital Innovations Lab transformará o enorme recurso de dados digitais agora capturados no campo, em um formato que pode ser usado praticamente para fazer.
Cinco variedades de cereais de alto rendimento adicionadas às Listas Recomendadas.
Concentre-se no controle mais eficaz de PCN.
Novas pesquisas mostraram que o fostiazato em Nematorrin é melhor retido no perfil representativo do solo, em comparação com o oxamil. Se ativo se move para baixo muito rapidamente, raízes.
O novo modelo 3-D parece atraente para o controle proativo de Alternaria.
Um novo modelo 3D digital para identificar os riscos da infecção por Alternaria e a potencial perda de rendimento foi revelado no stand da Syngenta na BP2017. Oferece a chance de melhorar.
Vitrine de tecnologia inspira líderes da indústria.
O Syngenta R & amp; D Showcase em Londres deu a políticos, políticos e outros líderes da indústria a chance de experimentar a mais recente inovação em agro-tecnologia, e sua.
O Root Matters procura obter mais informações sobre a superfície.
A Root Matters está levando um grupo de produtores em uma jornada para descobrir mais sobre o crescimento das raízes e como influenciá-lo - com base em uma combinação de ciência e pesquisa, junto com.
Conecte-se conosco.
Número de emergência.
Consultas Técnicas.
Sede do Reino Unido.
Todos os outros nomes de marcas usados ​​neste site são marcas registradas de outros fabricantes nos quais direitos de propriedade podem existir.

Sétima Conferência Internacional sobre Modelagem, Simulação e Otimização Aplicada.
4 a 6 de abril de 2017.
Universidade Americana de Sharjah, Sharjah, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
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Gostaríamos de convidá-lo a enviar seu trabalho de pesquisa original para a 7ª Conferência Internacional sobre Modelagem, Simulação e Otimização Aplicada (ICMSAO'17) a ser realizada de 4 a 6 de abril de 2017 na Universidade Americana de Sharjah, Sharjah, Emirados Árabes Unidos. Emirates. O ICMSAO'17 oferece um local para engenheiros e cientistas de todo o mundo compartilharem seus mais recentes resultados de pesquisa nas áreas de modelagem, simulação e otimização. A conferência será realizada em conjunto com a 11ª Conferência Internacional sobre Ciência e Tecnologia Compostas (ICCST / 11). Os autores em perspectiva são convidados a enviar trabalhos originais relacionados, mas não limitados, aos seguintes tópicos. Uma competição de pôsteres para estudantes também é organizada durante a conferência. A conferência é tecnicamente patrocinada pela Seção IEEE e IEEE UAE.
Para mais informações sobre a conferência, por favor visite nosso website: aus. edu/icmsao17.
Uma competição de pôsteres para estudantes também é organizada durante a conferência. A conferência é tecnicamente patrocinada pela Seção IEEE e IEEE UAE.
Para mais informações sobre a conferência, por favor visite nosso website: aus. edu/icmsao17.
Datas importantes.
Copresidentes da Conferência.
Mohamed El-Tarhuni, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Hana Sulieman, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Co-Presidentes do Programa Técnico.
Assim Sagahyroon, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Taher Abualrub, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Cadeiras de Trilha.
Mohammad Jaradat, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Ashraf Saleem, Omã.
Hasan Al-Nashash, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Awad Al-Zaben, Jordânia.
Paul Nancarrow, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Denis Ring, Irlanda.
Raafat Aburukba, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Weiming Shen, Canadá.
Rami Haweeleh, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Murat Tanarslan, Turquia.
Kainam Wong, Hong Kong.
Disse Salhi, Reino Unido.
Maen Alkhader, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
T. Venkatesh, EUA.
Marwan Abu Khaled, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Estatística e Probabilidade.
Shou-Hsing Shih, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Alberto Gandolfi, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Modelagem Matemática e Simulações.
Youssef Belhamadia, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Peter Minev, Canadá.
Combinatória e Matemática Discreta.
Taher Abualrub, Emirados Árabes Unidos.
Irfan Siap, Turquia.
Kutsi Erduran, Turquia.
Comitê Diretor do ICMSAO.
Jamal Abdalla (Emirados Árabes Unidos), Mahmoud Anabtawi (Emirados Árabes Unidos), Mohamed El-Tarhuni (Emirados Árabes Unidos), Ismail Kucuk (Turquia), Hana Sulieman (Emirados Árabes Unidos)
Pedir documentos.
Na última década, as conferências do ICMSAO foram realizadas na U. AE, Malásia, Tunísia e Turquia. ICMSAO17.
será realizado na U. A.E para fornecer um local para engenheiros e cientistas de todo o mundo compartilharem seus mais recentes resultados de pesquisa nas áreas de modelagem, simulação e otimização. A conferência será realizada em conjunto com a 11ª Conferência Internacional sobre Ciência e Tecnologia Compostas (ICCST / 11). A conferência é tecnicamente patrocinada pela Seção IEEE e IEEE U. A.E. Os autores em perspectiva são convidados a enviar trabalhos originais relacionados, mas não limitados, aos seguintes tópicos:
Inteligência Artificial Engenharia Biomédica Engenharia Química Engenharia de Computação Engenharia Civil Engenharia Elétrica Engenharia Industrial / Engenharia Gestão de Sistemas Engenharia Mecânica Matemática Aplicada Estatística e Probabilidade Modelagem Matemática e Simulações Combinatória e Matemática Discreta.
Pelo menos um autor deve se inscrever na conferência até 1º de março de 2017. Para os autores que apresentam vários artigos, um registro COMPLETO é válido para até dois trabalhos. Autores com mais de dois artigos precisam se inscrever para cada trabalho extra separadamente no EDAS a uma taxa de US $ 200 por cada artigo extra. Para se inscrever para a conferência, por favor, vá para EDAS, clique no botão "Meus Documentos". Clique no link “Registro” e siga as instruções. Observe que, para obter o desconto de associação do IEEE ou do SIAM, você precisa atualizar seu perfil no EDAS e fornecer seu número de associação. Os pagamentos são aceitos usando cartões de crédito, PayPal ou transferência bancária (através do EDAS). Observe que as cobranças por transferência eletrônica precisam ser cobertas pelo autor.
As taxas de inscrição cobrem o acesso a todas as atividades da conferência (excluindo tutoriais), coffee breaks e banquete.
Taxas de registro do autor.
(depois de 8 de fevereiro de 2017)
Os autores são encorajados a aproveitar as taxas de inscrição antecipada e completar seus registros em papel até 8 de fevereiro de 2017. No entanto, as inscrições estarão abertas para os autores até 1º de março de 2017. Pelo menos um autor deve se registrar na tarifa regular mesmo que o trabalho é apresentado por um aluno. As taxas de inscrição cobrem dois trabalhos; autores com três ou mais trabalhos aceitos serão obrigados a pagar US $ 200 para registrar cada artigo adicional. As taxas de inscrição cobrem o acesso a sessões do ICMSAO e ICCST, Jantar de Gala, bolsa de conferência e procedimentos.
Taxas de registro não autoral.
A inscrição de não-autor será aberta até e durante toda a duração da conferência.
Taxas de inscrição de estudante:
Os alunos recebem uma taxa de inscrição reduzida, mas precisam mostrar um comprovante de matrícula como aluno.
Palestrantes principais.
Terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2017 10: 15-11: 05 Hall A - Edifício Principal.
Para computadores sociais.
Universidade de Tilburg, Holanda.
Academia Jheronimus de Ciência de Dados (JADS)
's-Hertogenbosch, Holanda.
Alimentado pelos enormes volumes de dados e poder de computação, os desenvolvimentos em rápida evolução da inteligência artificial e aprendizado de máquina levaram a algoritmos de reconhecimento com desempenhos sem precedentes. Os atuais desempenhos de reconhecimento de imagem estão se aproximando do nível do desempenho humano. Em alguns domínios especializados, os computadores até superam os humanos em habilidades de reconhecimento de imagem. Os desenvolvimentos impressionantes permitem um próximo passo na integração de computadores e dispositivos de computação em nosso mundo cotidiano. Para conseguir uma integração perfeita de computadores em nossa vida diária, os computadores devem poder se comunicar de uma maneira humana. O desafio de longa data para conseguir comunicação verbal em nível humano, ou seja, reconhecimento de fala e produção de fala, obscureceu a importância de sua contraparte não verbal. A comunicação não verbal é crucial para as interações sociais entre os seres humanos. Exemplos de expressões não verbais são a expressão vocal, como tom ou intensidade vocal, e expressões faciais como sorrir ou franzir a testa. Expressões não verbais fornecem pistas contextuais indispensáveis ​​para as interações sociais. Nossa pesquisa enfoca a compreensão, modelagem e simulação da dinâmica não-verbal interativa de comunicar humanos, com o objetivo de desenvolver computadores, robôs ou agentes inteligentes com capacidades sociais. Formalizamos as interações não-verbais entre díades humano-humano ou humano-computador em termos da teoria dos sistemas dinâmicos. Nessa formalização, a comunicação não-verbal diádica dá origem a uma variedade atrativa que representa a complexa dinâmica de expressão de ambos os interlocutores. Isso nos permite estudar e simular as interações causais entre faces e vozes comunicantes por meio das poderosas ferramentas oferecidas pela teoria de sistemas dinâmicos. O resultado é uma caracterização dos blocos de construção dinâmicos da comunicação não-verbal. Na apresentação, os resultados obtidos serão demonstrados e sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento de computadores sociais será explicada por meio de exemplos ilustrativos.
Sobre o apresentador.
Eric Postma é professor de Inteligência Artificial na Universidade de Tilburg, na Holanda, e na Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) em 's-Hertogenbosch, Holanda. Seus principais interesses de pesquisa são em modelos computacionais de visão e na análise de sinais sociais vocais e faciais. In addition, he works on a wide variety of data science problems involving signal and image processing. His seminal work on the automatic recognition of paintings (“artist attribution”) initiated in collaboration with the Van Gogh Museum in The Netherlands gave rise to an international joint effort to develop digital methods to the analysis of art works. His work has been often covered in the international media. Professor Postma has published papers in international scientific journals ranging from cognitive science to artificial intelligence. He was Editor-in-Chief of special issues of the journals Pattern Recognition Letters and Signal Processing . In most of his work, the combination of (mainly visual) sensing and machine learning plays an important role. He supervised over 20 PhD students on topics such as intelligent agents, image recognition, painting analysis, social signal processing, manifold learning and deep learning. Professor Postma is a member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, leads the Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence group at Tilburg University, and is a member of the scientific core group of the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science in ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 11:20–12:10 Hall A – Main Building.
A Perspective on Contemporary Composite Materials.
It is fitting on the occasion of half a century of carbon fiber to place on record the development of structural fiber composites from the emergence of the science of composites and the evolution of a number of neighboring disciplines. In the blink of an eye, we have in the contemporary composite material discovered a clearly defined and distinct discipline, which in practice doubles up as a multi-discipline with a substantial number of independent branches, each one with its multifarious journals and textbooks.
On 15th June 1960, 5 years before the discovery of the modern carbon fiber, a fashionable professor at Cambridge, Alan Cottrell gave an invited lecture at The Royal Society in London. Professor Cottrell enunciated as follows: ". the practical approach is to admit the existence of cracks and notches and to try to render them innocuous. If there is a transverse notch cutting across a parallel array of fibers in a rod of some material like adhesive, the forces from the cut fibers can be transmitted to the intact fibers close to the notch tip only by passing as shearing forces through layers of the adhesive."
Basically what this means is that we require in the design of a damage-tolerant composite material the presence of a microscopically weak structure built into a macroscopically strong solid that ensures any crack present becomes benign. In essence, Professor Cottrell had proposed a very striking phenomenon, the possibility of ductility in a non-ductile material system in which a crack is unable to extend if faced with an interface which yields easily in shear.
In 50 years writers on the subject have collectively produced an impressionistic map of the science and mechanics of composite materials, seen as a pointillistic portrait of the discipline of composites, to be viewed from a slight distance. Over 5 decades of research we observe the materials scientist and engineer working at several levels of organization, each of which is underpinned by the next level. What emerges is the evolution of a number of neighboring disciplines; in mechanical design and processing: in experimentation and analysis; in mathematical and continuum modelling; in constitutive and physical modelling (or micro-mechanics or damage mechanics); and in computational mechanics and virtual simulation aided by computer power. Fine-scale phenomena become embedded in calculations representing larger-scale behavior, arriving at intelligent mechanical design based upon the application of the principles of integrated multi-scale mechanics and hierarchical models and analyses. The important consequence is that the design problem has a better definition.
Thus, the composite of low density and near-net-shape fabricability, as well as manufacturing robustness is provided with remarkable damage tolerance. We arrive at the ideal definition of an engineering composite resembling the strong solid as postulated by Cottrell 50 years ago.
About the Presenter.
Dr. Peter W. R. Beaumont obtained the DPhil degree and the Doctor of Science degree at the University of Sussex, England. He is Emeritus Reader in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge. Previously, he was assistant professor in the School of Engineering at the University of California at Los Angeles, USA.
His research on the fracture and fatigue of engineering materials including advanced structural composite materials, duplex polymeric systems and engineering ceramics has resulted in 200 scientific publications in scientific journals and international conference proceedings, encyclopedia, research treatise, engineering design books and material design guides. He is the author of the textbook Failure Analysis of Composites and co-editor of several books on composite materials. He is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Applied Composite Materials and is on editorial boards of journals in the field.
Throughout his research, the objective is to make interdisciplinary links between engineering principles and other applied sciences to material behavior, including materials in the reconstruction of the ailing human frame. Some of this work has led to a new formulation of the principles of damage mechanics of composite materials.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 9:00–9:45 Hall A – Main Building.
Lightweight Composite Structures for Energy-Absorbing Applications.
Associate Dean for Research.
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
This talk will discuss the energy-absorbing capability of high-performance composites based on, for example, glass and carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resins. Composites are often considered as offering relatively poor properties under dynamic loading, particularly under localized transverse impact loading. Here, the impact response of composite structures will initially be discussed briefly, where the different failure mechanisms that occur during dynamic loading of fiber-reinforced composite structures will be elucidated. The influence of key materials and test parameters, such as material properties, specimen geometry and strain-rate will be discussed briefly. The possibility of developing impact-resistant sandwich structures based on graded core designs will also be considered.
The talk will then continue with a discussion of how the aforementioned failure mechanisms contribute to the outstanding energy-absorbing characteristics of correctly-designed composite structures. Attention will focus on how correctly-designed composite tubes can be employed to absorb energy under extreme loading conditions, such as that associated with low velocity impact loading. The influence of composite tube geometry, in particular, will be assessed focusing on how the use of very small diameter composite tubes (low diameter to thickness ratio) can be used to develop a new range of energy-absorbing cores with very high values of energy-absorption for use in dynamic loading events. One example of such a structure is a composite tube reinforced foam core material, where specific energy absorption values can be as high as 100 kJ/kg. An examination of the composites after testing indicates that they are reduced to fine powder, indicating that significant energy has been dissipated in the process of failure. The energy-absorbing response of these structures will be compared with previously-published data on core system, such as aluminum honeycombs and plain polymer foams.
Finally, the talk will conclude with a discussion regarding how such materials can be used to enhance the blast resistance of lightweight structures. Recent data from blast tests on a range of reinforced designs will be presented and the great potential offered by these new designs will be highlighted.
About the Presenter.
Dr. Wesley Cantwell is the Director of the Aerospace Research and Innovation Center (ARIC) and the Associate Dean for Research at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi. Prior to arriving in the UAE, he worked for 18 years at the University of Liverpool, UK, where he directed a research group on composite materials. Following his academic studies, he spent nine years at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, working on a range of topics including lightweight materials for the power generation industry. He has been a visiting academic at Virginia Tech in the USA and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Dr. Cantwell obtained his bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of Southampton, UK, and his master's and PhD degrees in the same subject from Imperial College, London. His research interests include the impact and blast response of composite materials, lightweight structures for energy absorption, lattice structures, hybrid metal-composite structures, composites manufacturing as well as 3D metal printing.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 10:00–10:45 Hall A – Main Building.
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Techniques for Hyperloop One Terrestrial Transportation Technology.
Director of Hyperstructures.
Hyperloop One, Los Angeles, USA.
Hyperloop One, a company based in Los Angeles, California, is leading the effort to commercialize the future of transport for moving passengers and/or cargo at airline speeds at a fraction of the cost of air travel. Hyperloop One is designing, testing and building this new mode of transportation. The architecture is structured around a custom linear electric motor that accelerates and decelerates an electromagnetically levitated pod through a low-pressure tube. The vehicles will glide silently for miles at speeds of up to 300 m/s with no turbulence. The system is designed to be entirely autonomous, on-demand, energy efficient, quiet and safe—built on columns or tunneled underground, which eliminates the dangers of at-grade crossings and requires smaller rights of way than high-speed rail or a highway.
The engineering design challenges span a wide-range of disciplines, comprising the following: geotechnical, civil-structural, dynamics, mechanical, vehicle/aerospace, aerodynamics, vacuum and pressure management systems, high voltage power systems and power electronics, energy systems and electromagnetism. Intelligently combining and fully integrating these diverse systems requires multidisciplinary optimization for defining the product system architecture as well as for route planning.
Multiple analysis software are used across engineering disciplines and several different analysis types are critically applied, leveraged and relied on by the engineering development team. These include static structural, modal, harmonic, transient, rigid body dynamics, optimization, thermal, buckling, rotor dynamics, electro-magnetic, CFD aerodynamics.
This talk will cover an introduction to Hyperloop One technology, followed by highlighting the modeling, simulation and optimization techniques that are being used in the engineering development processes.
About the Presenter.
TJ Ronacher is the Director of Hyperstructures at Hyperloop One, leveraging his experience and proven success in complex structural and thermal analysis, design and engineering development to build the world's next breakthrough in transportation.
Formerly, as Senior Mechanical Engineer at Virgin Galactic, Ronacher was responsible for the thermal design of the LauncherOne vehicle currently under development.
Previously, Ronacher was the Principal Design Engineer and Engineering Manager at Seal Science, where he led all product design and development. He introduced new analytical techniques that allowed Seal Science to capture new customers by enhancing their predictive capabilities. He created a test lab to provide empirical verification for the nonlinear, hyper-elastic models he developed.
Ronacher began his career at SpaceX where he was the lead analyst on many untestable, flight critical components. He was solely responsible for the design of the Dragon spacecraft thermal protection system, which routinely sees more than 3000 °F upon return from the International Space Station. His analytical expertise allowed the nozzle extension of the Merlin Vacuum Engine to be deemed flight safe without ground test. He led an extensive research program for high temperature composites by developing manufacturing, analytical and test procedures for dealing with this new high strength, light-weight material.
Ronacher earned a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA and a BSME from UC Berkeley.
Industry Session.
Rapid Simulation Capabilities for Aerospace and Defense.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 13:30–14:05 Hall B – Main Building.
Analytical Graphics Inc.
Complex, autonomous and inter-dependent systems have become ubiquitous in our daily lives. As levels of complexity, autonomy and inter-dependency increase so does the need to augment the traditional Research, Design, Testing and Evaluation (RDTE) process with state-of-the-art collaborative engineering processes and technologies. By no means is this a straightforward process, but it can be done effectively and systematic through the use of rapid simulation tools aimed to validate architectures and subsystems working together and likely operational scenarios. Rapid simulation will allow for insightful understanding of each potential solution, adequate mapping of the failure modes and potential courses-of-action. These technologies can also help find optimum solutions in complex trade spaces in a short amount of time since they can be put to work uninterruptedly. This presentation aims to cover the benefits of such capabilities applied to aerospace and defense systems and highlight how they can be used across the entire program lifecycle.
About the Presenter.
Diogo Rodrigues is General Manager, LASS TECH Consulting. After working eight years for AGI managing the European, South American and Middle Eastern Markets, Rodrigues founded LASS TECH Consulting, which aims to provide technical and commercial consultancy services for innovative companies seeking to establish a solid presence in the Middle East. LASS TECH Consulting is also the Master Representative for AGI in the Middle East. Besides bringing diverse experience in the aerospace and defense market, Rodrigues has also introduced COTS technology to several new customers, explored new use cases and helped organizations fully leverage from the benefits of using COTS technology. Prior to AGI, Rodrigues conducted space mission analysis work for the European Space Operations Center (ESOC), NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) and Dassault Aviation. Rodrigues holds a Master of Science in Space Studies from the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg and an aerospace engineering degree from Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon.
Platform-based Approach to Engineering and Science Applications.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 14:05–14:40 Hall B – Main Building.
National Instruments, UAE.
In this presentation, we will introduce a development environment designed specifically to accelerate the productivity of engineers and scientists using LabVIEW. The development environment allows engineers and scientists to provide solutions to the most challenging problems, taking them from simulation to implementation. Applications in various industries will be presented, highlighting some technical case studies in fields such as robotics, power, structural health, oil and gas, etc.
About the Presenter.
Leen Adnan graduated from the American University of Beirut with a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Biomedical Engineering. Adnan started with National Instruments (NI) as an applications engineer, gained technical experience in NI platforms and various industries, and now she is working as a field engineer based in the UAE.
Travel and Accommodation.
Travel and Visa Information:
Sharjah International Airport is within a short drive to the conference venue at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) where it takes about 7 minutes by Taxi. AUS is about about 20 minutes to down town Sharjah. If you are traveling through Dubai International Airport then it will take about 25 minutes to the AUS campus and also to down town Sharjah, assuming normal traffic conditions. Abu Dhabi International Airport is a two-hour drive from Sharjah.
More information about Sharjah is available at sharjahtourism. ae/.
Visa Arrangements:
Before you travel to the UAE, please check your visa requirements and make sure you have a valid visa if needed. Different airlines and travel agencies can arrange for UAE visa so please check online for different offers. AUS has an agreement with the following travel agency if you wish to make a visa arrangement through them. You must submit the needed information below as early as possible to avoid any delays. Please coordinate with the agency directly and mention that you are coming to the ICMSAO conference organized by AUS. Note that, we are not involved in the visa process so please contact the agency directly.
Name of Agency: Sina Star Tourist Agency.
Contact person: Mr. Ali Al Hoti (Manager)
Mobile: +97150 422 4 113.
Os requisitos são:
Clear passport copy with 6-month validity on the date of travel passport photograph on white background Invitation letter from the conference (we can provide this letter for presenters and their accompanying family members but you need to inform us no later than February 20, 2017) AED 350 visa fee (AUS special rate to be paid directly to the agency.
Note: Sharjah International Airport is located a short drive from the AUS campus. The drive from Dubai International Airport takes approximately 30 minutes to the hotels in Sharjah assuming normal traffic conditions. The taxi fare can vary between 35-50 UAE Dirhams (1 US Dollar = 3.65 UAE AED) depending on traffic conditions. Abu Dhabi International Airport is a two-hour drive from Sharjah.
More information about Sharjah is available at sharjahtourism. ae/.
Centro Sharjah.
10% discount on our best available rate on all rooms category. Inclusive of the complimentary buffet breakfast. With complementary Internet access at the room and lobby.
Complimentary transfer to and from the AUS conference venue. Timing to be informed in advance.
Cancellation and No-Show Policy.
Reservations or bookings require a valid credit card (guest's credit card number and expiry date) to guarantee the booking and to keep the reservation in the system for guests arriving at a later time. Non-guaranteed reservations/bookings may only be kept in the hotel's system. Any cancellation received three days before arrival will attract no cancellation fees. Any no show rooms will attract full stay accommodation fee.
All the above rates are subject to availability and previous reservation is required with enough notice period.
For reservations, you may contact:
PO Box 3677, Sharjah, UAE.
Tel: + 971 6 508 8155 or + 971 6 508 8000.
Fax: + 971 6 508 8111.
Holiday International Hotel.
The Holiday International Hotel, located on the edge of Khaled Lagoon overlooking the beautiful cornice, offers the convenience of a central location. A mere 20-minute drive from Dubai and Sharjah airports, the hotel is a short walk from the Sharjah Souk and has easy access to shopping malls, the Sharjah Expo Exhibition Centre and entertainment centers.
The above rates are net, inclusive of tax, service charge, buffet breakfast, with complementary Internet access at the room and lobby.
For reservations, you may contact:
PO Box 5802, Sharjah, UAE.
Tel: + 971 6 573 6666.
Fax: + 971 6 572 5060.
Hilton Hotel, Sharjah.
Set near the heart of the Emirate along the magnificent Khalid Lagoon, Hilton Sharjah is a 20-minute drive from Dubai International Airport and 25 minutes from Sharjah International Airport. The hotel is near popular Sharjah attractions, including Al Majaz Waterfront, Al Qasba Entertainment Zone and Sharjah Art Museum. Choose from 259 elegant guest rooms and suites with stunning lagoon or city views.
Above rate is inclusive of breakfast and 10 percent municipality and service tax.
Tel +971 6 519 2222.
Radisson Blu Resort Sharjah.
This stunning resort hotel in Sharjah is the perfect choice for both business and leisure travelers with its proximity to prime shopping and business areas, the Arabian Gulf's spectacular beaches and the glimmer city of Dubai. Other features, such as private beach and a lagoon, ensure a memorable and unique stay.
Above rate are inclusive of 10 percent municipal taxes and 10 percent service charges. Above rates are net and non-commissionable. Above rates are inclusive of one buffet breakfast for single and two for double. Above rates are inclusive of 24 hour-Internet access. Free group transfer to AUS and back for minimum of 10 rooms booked in house.
Corniche Street, PO Box 3527.
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Tel +971 6 565 7777.
Fax +971 6 565 0090.
Sharjah Grand Hotel.
Ideally located on the beach of the Arabian Gulf and just 12 kms from Dubai and Sharjah International airports, the highly acclaimed Sharjah Grand Hotel with its 220 beautifully furnished rooms is the convenient spot for tourists and business explorers. This four-star fine beach resort is known for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service.
All rooms are spacious and furnished in style, with either a scenic view of the Gulf or the picturesque city of Sharjah. The rooms are equipped with an international controlled direct dialing telephone, LCD television, satellite receiver, in-house movie, a mini-bar, in-room safety deposit box and free Internet usage up to 1 GB.
*Above-mentioned rates are subject to 10 percent Municipality Tax and 10 percent Service Charge, inclusive of buffet breakfast.
Complementary airport pickup and drop for group arrivals only. Individual airport transfers will be charged at AED 90 per trip. Complimentary daily group transfer (12 pax minimum) from the hotel to AUS and from AUS to hotel. Complementary Wifi. Complimentary shuttle bus service to Dubai and Sharjah City centers operating three times daily through air-conditioned bus with specified drop and pick-up time.
Cancellation and No-Show Policy.
All reservations must be guaranteed with a valid credit card details (guest's credit card number with expiry date; one night stay must be pre-authorized at the time of booking). Cancellation five days prior to arrival-no charge. If cancelled later or in case of no-show, 100 percent of the total booking will be charged. All rooms are subject to availability.
Tel +971 6 528 5557.
Fax +971 6 5282861.
Golden Tulip Hotel Apartments - Sharjah.
SGL. 270.00 / DBL. 300,00.
SGL. 300.00 / DBL. 330.00.
SGL. 300.00 / DBL. 330.00.
SGL. 330.00 / DBL. 360.00.
SGL. 360.00 / DBL. 390.00.
Above rates mentioned are in UAE Dirhams (AED), per room, per night. Inclusive 10% Municipality Fee & 10% Service Charge. Complimentary WIFI internet usage in rooms (max up to 03 device) Including buffet breakfast served at Tulip Restaurant between 06:30 till 10:30 am on daily basis.
Free transportation from Hotel to University and vice versa Hotel arranges airport transfers to Sharjah & Dubai (Terminal 1, 2 and 3) only. Transfer to or from Dubai & Sharjah International airport is for the cost of AED 120 net per car per trip. Complimentary airport transfers available to SHJ or DXB airports for bookings having a minimum length of 04 nights and above.

Childhood and Youth Studies Network.
A University of Edinburgh project for those with an interest in Childhood and Youth Studies.
The 7th Childhood Studies Jamboree, Wednesday 28 February — join us!
The Jamboree gives us a chance to hear and learn about cutting edge research that our colleagues are carrying out with children and young people. It is a fun opportunity to meet other childhood/youth studies students and early career researchers, and try out methods of working with children and young people through interactive workshops. This year we once again have wonderful workshop choices, from engaging children as co-researchers to the ethics of ethnographies. It is another international array, from those undertaking research in Scotland to those working in Armenia, China, countries in Africa and elsewhere.
Spaces are limited so please book now to secure your place. Your booking can be made via Eventbrite here.
‘Exploring Children’s Rights and Participation: Conference Presentations’ & # 8211; join us on 10 January 2018.
On January 10 at 3 pm the Network will be hosting a seminar of three PhD candidates as they prepare conference presentations on the issues of child rights and children’s participation. Bekkah Berheim, Yan Zhu and Amelia Alias would love if you would come along to hear about their work, particularly if this if your area of interest! Please see the abstracts below for more information.
Where: 21 Buccleuch Place, Room 2.02 (map)
Benefits and Disadvantages of Internet Parental Mediation Strategies.
There is growing concern over the lack of recognition of children’s rights in the online environment, mainly regarding participation and provision rights. This article has filled in this gap by combining the discussion of elements of children’s rights, i. e. protection, provision and participation, with privacy and autonomy. This was done by comparing the benefits and disadvantages between the five Internet parenting mediation strategies (IPMS) in terms of the above elements. The IPMS are: active mediation, active co-use, restrictive mediation, monitoring mediation and technical mediation.
This discussion draws on findings from a study conducted to better understand children’s and parents’ perceptions of online privacy, through semi-structured one-to-one interviews with 26 pupils, aged 9 to 11 years old, and 8 parents. Additionally, 10 focus group sessions were also conducted with 57 pupils in one of school in Scotland.
Findings showed that between these five IPMS, active mediation is seen as the ideal Internet mediation strategy, as it is able to balance children’s privacy with supporting the development of children’s trust of the other actors on the Internet, and fully supports children’s development of autonomy in terms of making decisions about their participation and provision in the online environment. However, the study also recognises that this strategy may not be appropriate for very young children and may not be palatable to many parents until they are comfortable that their children have developed at least some of the necessary skills to navigate the online environment safely on their own. As such, this study suggests that the IPMS should be seen as a continuum, from the less autonomy-supporting strategies to more autonomy-supportive strategies; the active mediation strategy should be seen as a final end-goal for parents.
Student leader system in Chinese school’s organizing system:
A child participation practice with a risk of causing children experiences of unbalanced power relation in peer relationships.
The idea of encouraging ‘child participation’ is increasingly accepted and applied by many countries as an important approach to contribute the development of children’s rights. However, in different contextualized cases, child participation practices need to be carefully examined to ensure the positive result of empowering children in different contexts. Based on the data collected in a 5-month ethnographic fieldwork with forty-nigh P5 children in a rural boarding school in China, this paper aims at discussing children’s experiences of ‘student leader’ system – one widely used child participation practice in many Chinese schools.
This paper firstly introduces the function of ‘student leader’, and the close relationships between high-able children’s advantage of the academic performance, the role of ‘student leader’, and the power amongst peers. Then this paper focuses on showing the positive results of involving a group of children as ‘student leaders’ to support teachers to manage other children from the perspective of child participation. The third section of this paper involves the idea of ‘power-oriented instrumental friendship’, which is a type of friendship found between these P5 children with a significant characteristic of highlighting friendship’s instrumental function of providing a chance to share friends’ power. In the end, this paper aims at pointing out the problematic unbalanced power relation between children involved in the ‘power-oriented instrumental friendship’ to disclose the risk that children with more power, such as student leaders, might take advantage of their power to marginalize and exploit children with less power. In fact, this paper believes that this risk experienced by children with relatively weak power amongst peers in classrooms could raise a call that it is important to count in the equality of every child’s school life experiences when employ and evaluate any child participation practices to simultaneously promote the ideas of child participation and child protection.
The Impact of Culturally Informed Conceptualizations of Childhood on Research and Policy Direction in Armenia.
In modern Armenian society, girls are marginalized. The patriarchal nature of Armenian society excludes girls’ experiences from the policy landscape, and little research exists representing their views. The Syrian Crisis led to the exodus of ethnically Armenian Syrians back to Armenia, including many girls. This paper critically reflects on the challenges I encountered researching the socio-cultural integration of Syrian-Armenian girls displaced to Armenia by the ongoing Syrian Crisis. The research was an exploratory study, and included a brief documentary analysis, interviews with local stakeholders, and a focus group for Syrian-Armenian girls. Of particular interest in this paper is the reaction of local stakeholders, who met my decision to focus on girls’ experiences with a mixture of curiosity, confusion, and abject dismissal which then affected data collection. This paper seeks to address to what extent local cultural definitions and understandings of childhood should drive the direction of international children’s rights research and policy.
This paper fits within the scope of a growing corpus of cross-disciplinary research documenting the experiences of researchers doing qualitative research with children and young people internationally. The meaningful inclusion of children’s views, the recognition of power imbalances between children and adults, and multiple understandings of childhood are just a few of the considerations frequently discussed in this literature. This paper also interrogates how cultural and language differences, and varying conceptualization of childhood among local stakeholders, children, and researchers, can influence data collection, research findings, and subsequent policy development. The dual challenges arising from the international scope of the research and the complexity of accurately and ethically researching with children and young people necessitates a critical and reflexive approach to the research process.
Our Next Seminar, 7 December 4 pm: ‘Living the Neoliberal Global Schooling Project: An Ethnography of Childhood and Everyday Choices in Nepal’
Our next network seminar will be featuring the PhD research of Katherine Baxter, a PhD Candidate in Sociology. This presentation will share some of the key findings of my PhD research at the University of Edinburgh titled, Living the Neoliberal Global Schooling Project: An Ethnography of Childhood and Everyday Choices in Nepal. For all those interested in education in non-Western contexts, ethnography, and researching with children, this presentation is for you!
When: Thursday 7 December, 4 pm.
Where: Practice Suite Room 1.12, Chrystal Macmillan Building.
After introducing the research and briefly discussing each of the key findings (30-40 minutes), Katherine will discuss her ethnographic process with particular emphasis on ethics, consent and some of the unique challenges that emerge when doing ethnographic research with young people. At this point the audience will be encouraged to join in the discussion, reflecting on their own experiences and challenges they may have encountered when doing research with young people.
YouthLink Scotland Policy Seminars Planning Group – looking for participants like you!
New Opportunity – YouthLink Scotland Policy Seminars Planning Group.
In 2018 YouthLink Scotland will host for the first time a series of Policy Seminars. The Policy Seminars will provide high quality themed inputs from experts within the chosen subject matter, facilitated networking and free-thinking time for policy connections to be made, and provide a national platform for sector leaders to illustrate and discuss their policy activity within a youth work context. The audience for these events will include: senior youth workers/managers, chief executives, policy professionals, civil servants, strategic planners, academics and funders.
To make these events happen YouthLink Scotland is establishing a new Planning Group. We are looking for enthusiastic forward thinking individuals who would like to contribute to shaping these events. There would be a commitment for members of the Planning Group to attend meetings in Edinburgh (once every two months) and to support the YouthLink Scotland team virtually between meetings.
The first meeting will take place on 22 November 2017 from 2pm to 4pm.
We are looking for individuals with previous experience and skills in areas including (but not limited to):
Youth Policy Youth Work Research CPD planning and delivery Evaluation and impact.
For more information about this opportunity or to express interest in joining the Planning Group please contact Susan Hunter – shunter@youthlinkscotland .
Our next seminar 2 November: ‘All views matter: Critically exploring the process and outcomes of child-led research in conflict prone and other complex environments’
*For those of you who missed this seminar, Pato has kindly agreed to share his slides (with references!) for those interested in his work.
Our next Network seminar on 2 November will feature the research of Patricio Cuevas-Parra, a PhD candidate in Social Policy and Senior Global Policy Adviser for Child Participation and Rights with World Vision International. In particular, he will delve into one of the case studies in his thesis, titled “All views matter: Critically exploring the process and outcomes of child-led research in conflict prone and other complex environments’. For those interested in child rights, child participation, and researching with children, this is for you!
When: Thursday 2 November 2017, 4 – 5 pm.
Where: University of Edinburgh Medical School, Teviot Doorway 3, Teaching Room 1, G.204 (map)
About this seminar: Patricio will discuss a case study about a group of Syrian refugee children who have led their own research on issues affecting their refugee situation. These refugee children identified violence, bullying and harassment at the schools and communities as one of the major issues affecting their lives. The presentation will discuss issues related to ethics and methodology, along with an analysis of how the research conducted by refugee children could be translated into practice as part of an advocacy agenda that aims to improve the condition of refugee children. The session will explore whether the engagement of children and young people in their own research was a useful practice to explore issues of violence and thus contributed to a better understanding of issues in conflict situations. The presentation will argue that refugee children were capable of engaging in their research as a vehicle to participate and to generate knowledge. However, the aim of influencing decision-making remained partially unanswered as the young researchers lacked sufficient evidence to prove the impact made by their research.
Profile: Patricio Cuevas-Parra is the Senior Global Policy Adviser for Child Participation and Rights with World Vision International and is responsible for leading strategies and programmes to ensure the voices of children are heard and acted upon in high-policy debate particularly those in global capitals such as Brussels, Geneva and New York. His research project “All views matter: Critically exploring the process and outcomes of child-led research in conflict prone and other complex environments”, was conducted in Jordan, Lebanon and Bangladesh. He will discuss his methodology and ethics procedures for conducting child-centered research.
Social Policy Seminar Series presents: ‘Democratic Devolution in the wake of Brexit: Youth Citizenship in Greater Manchester’
On Friday October 27th the University of Edinburgh Social Policy seminar series will host Dr Andy Mycock of the University of Huddersfield, who will share his recent work on youth democratic engagement and citizenship. I would encourage all those with an interest in youth citizenship, politics and participation to come along, where Dr Mycock will present for about an hour followed by a drinks reception.
‘Democratic Devolution in the wake of Brexit: Youth Citizenship in Greater Manchester’
Dr Andy Mycock, Reader in Politics, University of Huddersfield.
Where: Chrystal Macmillan Building Staff Room, 6th floor, 15A George Square, University of Edinburgh.
Abstract: Brexit has left many young people who were not able to vote in the EU referendum feeling democratically isolated, excluded, and powerless to have their voices heard and influence political debate. Devolution within England offers young people new opportunities to learn about, engage with, and participate in existing and new local and regional polities. Drawing on the case of Greater Manchester, Dr Andy Mycock will discuss current research which explores the extent to which English devolution has enhanced youth citizenship policy-making in the wake of Brexit. He will explore the formation of a new regional ‘Youth Combined Authority’ in Greater Manchester and its impact on youth democratic education, engagement, and participation.
For more information please head to the Social Policy website here.
Moray House School of Education Seminar Day, 11 October: ‘Counting Every Child In’
Next week our colleagues at the Moray House School of Education will be holding a free one-day seminar titled ‘Counting Every Child In.’ Researchers who work in different contexts – Scotland and the UK, Ireland and China – will come together to explore issues in inclusive and special education, pupil voice and teacher education. The seminar is free but you are encouraged to register for this event as places are limited, so please email yuchen. wang@ed. ac. uk to register.
Check out the seminar flyer here: CECI seminar day poster.
When and Where: 9:30-16:30, Wednesday 11 October 2017.
Paterson’s Land, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh.
About: Ensuring inclusive and quality education for all is key to the sustainable development of global community. It is a shared challenge across developing and developed contexts to tackle marginalisation and exclusion in education. In this event, leading researchers in the field of inclusive education, pupil voice and teacher education will come together to explore better understandings of how to respond to learner diversity, in particular, what can be learned from our pupils.

Finance, Bachelor of Commerce.
(Ministry name: Bachelor of Commerce - Finance)
Credential: Honours Degree Program Code: 22271 Length: 8 semesters.
Requirements Start Dates/
To be eligible for admission, you must possess the following:
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent including these required courses: Grade 12 English (ENG4U or equivalent) minimum 65 per cent Grade 12 Mathematics (MDM4U, MCB4U, MGA4U, MCV4U or MHF4U or equivalent) minimum 60 per cent (Students who do not possess Grade 12U Mathematics or who have achieved a grade below 60 per cent may be considered for admission. Students will be required to complete a math equivalency course during their first semester at Humber. Additional course fees will apply.) Four Grade 12 U or M courses in addition to those listed above Overall minimum grade point average (GPA) 65 per cent.
All applicants whose first language is not English must meet Humber’s English Language Proficiency Policy.
Canadian citizens or permanent residents with international education are required to provide a WES or ICAS evaluation.
Mature Applicants.
Diplomas and Certificates.
An applicant is considered a mature applicant if they have not completed secondary school or other postsecondary school, and will be 19 or older as of the first day of classes. Humber will invite you for testing to demonstrate that you meet program eligibility.
An applicant is considered a mature applicant if they have not completed secondary school or attended postsecondary studies, and will be 21 or older as of the first day of classes. Mature applicants for degree programs will be required to meet course requirements at the U/M level or equivalent.
College Transfer Applicants.
Diplomas and Certificates.
An applicant is considered a college transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a college-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or college courses and grades to determine program eligibility.
An applicant is considered a college transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a college-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or college courses and grades to determine program eligibility. Applicants must have an overall minimum grade point average (GPA) of 65 per cent in the program. Applicants are required to disclose and provide academic transcripts for all course work completed at the postsecondary level.
University Transfer Applicants.
Diplomas and Certificates.
An applicant is considered a university transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a university-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or university courses and grades to determine program eligibility.
An applicant is considered a university transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a university-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or university courses and grades to determine program eligibility. Applicants are required to disclose and provide academic transcripts for all course work completed at the postsecondary level.
Selection: Admission selection is based on the academic criteria indicated. Meeting minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission.
The 2018-2019 fee for 2 semesters is:
domestic: $7,737.84 international: $16,673.00.
Fees are subject to change.
Custos adicionais.
For information regarding fees for work terms, refer to Fees.
Humber offers a variety of scholarships each year.
Alternative Course of Study.
Applicants who do not meet the admission requirements for the Finance, Bachelor of Commerce degree program should consider applying for the following diploma program(s). View program pages for pathway details:
Marketing, Business >
Business Administration >
Business Administration (Co-op) >
Professional Golf Management, Business Administration >
Business Management >
Common Platform.
Future Study Options.
Humber has a number of transfer agreements with other postsecondary institutions (within Canada and around the world) that enables students and graduates to use their Humber credential to gain advanced standing in another program.
Post Graduate Certificates and Masters Degrees.
Credential Opportunity: Bachelor to Grad Cert / Masters.
Location: Mount Pleasant, Michigan.
Institution(s): Central Michigan University.
Central Michigan University will provide Humber graduates of all four-year Bachelor degrees with an opportunity to apply and be considered for admission to Post-graduate Certificate and Masters level studies. Graduates with Humber degrees who also meet additional admission requirements will be considered for admission to the following Masters level programs offered by Central Michigan University: Master of Business Administration or Master of Science in Administration.
For further information, contact:
Admission to the academic programs listed is at the sole discretion of the partner post-secondary institution. Please contact the institution for detailed admission requirements.
Humber Ontario Graduate Certificates.
Humber offers a number of Ontario graduate certificates to help take your education further.
Transferring from Another College or University.
Details on transferring credits or credentials from another college or university or how to apply for credit based on prior work or life experience.
Program Contact(s)
Michele Calpin, program co-ordinator.
416.675.6622 ext. 5116.
International Students.
Have questions about Humber?
Apply to Humber.
Applications to Humber are made through ontariocolleges. ca. Be sure to submit your application by the equal consideration deadline of February 1. You may apply after February 1, however, post-February 1 applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the availability of the space in the program. To check program availability refer to the Campus/Availability listing on Humber's program pages or ontariocolleges. ca.
International Students.
If you’re an international student, you can apply directly to Humber via our International Centre.
Fees by Semester.
*Plus Mandatory Health Insurance fee once per academic year: Fall start - $420 Winter start - $280 Summer start - $140.
“Humber not only provides students with a phenomenal education system, it prepares and guides students as they enter the labour force.”
- Janelle, Finance Degree Student.
Nosso programa.
Humber’s Bachelor of Commerce – Finance degree program offers comprehensive knowledge of both business and finance. Our program starts with a foundation of business studies in areas such as organizational behaviour, law, economics, finance and accounting, marketing, and operations management. Specialization courses will focus on theories, methods and techniques in various aspects of finance including analysis, planning and risk management.
Our project-based curriculum, designed by industry experts, helps you develop the skills to move from idea to execution, all while learning core business concepts and financial strategies. A senior-level project in your final year will give you experience in problem solving, evaluating strengths and limitations, and making appropriate decisions in a real-world, team-based environment.
Semester 1.
Select 1 from the following courses.
Semester 2.
Semester 3.
Select 1 from the following courses.
Select 2 from the following courses.
Semester 4.
Select 1 from the following courses.
Select 2 from the following courses.
Semester 5.
Select 1 from the following courses.
Semester 6.
Semester 7.
Select 1 from the following courses.
Select 1 from the following courses.
Semester 8.
Select 1 from the following courses.
Upon successful completion of the program, a graduate will:
Analyze the impact and long range global challenges of economic, environmental, ethical, legal, political, sociological and technological factors upon the strategy, management and behaviour of domestic and international organizations.
Analyze, evaluate and solve international business and economic problems, using diverse economic frameworks and relevant business models, creativity, analysis, independent judgment and critical self-awareness.
Formulate international business strategies that assess costs, benefits, risks, opportunities, and that address organizational goals and external trends.
Develop a business plan.
Interpret and prepare financial reports and assess the overall financial performance of an organization.
Evaluate the contribution of human resources management to organizational effectiveness and to other key functions within the organization.
Evaluate marketing strategies and assess their impact on consumers and the achievement of business goals.
Explain the management and use of business information systems, including e-business strategies, for personal and organizational success.
Acquire, interpret, analyze, evaluate and employ data, both qualitative and quantitative, from primary and secondary sources.
Adhere to professional, ethical and legal codes of conduct.
Critically analyze the forces that shape values, ideas, personal and societal circumstances and international business decisions and present an academically structured, sustained and well-supported argument.
Assess strategies of operations management and their impact on domestic and international organizations.
Develop and implement international project plans and schedules that make efficient use of resources and that achieve organizational goals.
Communicate ideas using the most suitable medium for the message, audience and purpose, speaking or writing clearly, concisely, correctly and coherently.
Consolidate and extend learning in different contextual frameworks and situations, both within and outside the field of international business.
Demonstrate self-awareness, self-confidence, self-direction, self-management and use resources to plan for and attain personal, career and work-related goals, within the context of a changing environment.
Work effectively and assertively in groups or teams to achieve desired goals and resolve differing and/or opposing ideas and points of view.
Develop and implement risk management plans that demonstrate an understanding and awareness of the uses of insurance.
Evaluate the contributions made by various financial instruments and asset classes.
Work Placement.
The Humber Bachelor of Commerce – Finance program requires that you complete 14 weeks/420 hours of paid work in the summer between your sixth and seventh semesters. This gives you the hands-on, real-world experience that employers value. Your placement will give you the opportunity to explore the field you’d like to work in when you graduate. We will work with employers and our industry partners to help you identify opportunities to pursue.
The Humber Advantage.
The Humber Experience.
Our project-based curriculum, designed by industry experts, helps you develop the skills to move from idea to execution, all while learning core business concepts and financial strategies. A senior-level project in your final year will give you experience in problem solving, evaluating strengths and limitations, and making appropriate decisions in a real-world, team-based environment.
O pregão.
Situated at Lakeshore Campus, this working lab allows students to simulate real life equities exchange scenarios. The trading floor will help add the experiential learning element along with a theoretical component.
The Benefits of Choosing a Humber Degree.
Degrees on a Common Platform.
The Business School offers a variety of Bachelor of Commerce degree programs on a common platform with pathways to areas of specializations. This gives students the time to decide on their career path while they are gaining insight into the fundamentals of business.
Scholarships and Awards.
Humber offers $2,500 diploma to degree scholarships for qualified applicants. There are a wide range of scholarships and awards available to business students each year.
Degree Scholarships.
A limited number of entrance scholarships are available to full-time students entering a Humber post-secondary/postgraduate program for the first time.
Our Faculty.
Our professors are experts in their fields with strong and wide-ranging industry connections. You’ll learn from financial specialists who use applied projects and case studies to help you develop your analytical skills.
Hanadi Alnawab.
MSc (Advanced Computing) – University of Bristol.
BSc (Computer Science) – University of Baghdad.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Stan Arnold.
MBA (Human Resources and Labour Relations) – University of Windsor.
BComm (Human Resources and Labour Relations) – University of Windsor.
BSc (Psychology) – University of Toronto.
Pauline Ashworth.
MBA (Business Administration) – University of Toronto.
BA (Textile Marketing) – University of Huddersfield.
Ionela Bacain.
PhD (Accounting) – Cuza University.
MSc (Electronics) – University of Iasi.
BSc (Biomedical Engineering) – University of Iasi.
BAcc (Accounting and Business Information Systems) – Cuza University.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Mike Barnhart.
MBA (Strategic Management) – York University.
BEng (Industrial Engineering) – Ryerson University.
Colin Bartley.
MBA (Tourism and Hospitality) – University of Guelph.
Edmund Baumann.
MBA (Marketing and Decision Support Systems) – York University.
BScEE (Communications, Computers, Control) – Drexel University.
Michele Calpin.
MBA (Business Administration) – Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.
BA (Business Administration) – University of Western Ontario.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Marcos Cavenaghi.
PhD (Computational Physics) - University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil.
MA (Physics) - University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil.
BA (Physics) - University of the State of Sao Paulo, Rio Claro, Brazil.
Sebastien Charette.
MBA (Business Administration) – McGill University.
BASc (Mechanical Engineering) – University of Ottawa.
Amanpreet Chhina.
PhD (International Marketing) – Panjab University.
MBE (Marketing) – Punjabi University.
BA (Economics) – Panjab University.
Nicole Chuchmach.
MBA (Hospitality and Tourism Management) – University of Guelph.
BComm (Hotel and Food Administration) – University of Guelph.
Nella Cotrupi.
PhD (Comparative Literature Critical Theory) – University of Toronto\
MA (Comparative Literature) – University of Toronto.
LLB (Law) – University of Toronto.
BA (Political Science and Italian) – University of Toronto.
Audel Cunningham.
LLM (European Business Law) – University of Nijmegen.
LLM (International Trade Law) – University of Essex.
LLB (Law) – University of West Indies.
Riteshkumar Dalwadi.
PhD (Management, Consumer Behaviour) - Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University.
MBA (Marketing) - Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University.
BBA (Marketing and Finance) - Gujarat University.
Jazlin Dow.
MA (Visual Culture - Costume Studies) - New York University.
BA (Theatre Arts) - University of Lethbridge.
Alan Dryden.
MBA (Business Administration) – University of Western Ontario.
Stanley Faria.
MBA (Business Administration) – Laurentian University.
BComm (Accounting and Auditing) – Bombay University.
Kathryn Filsinger.
LLM (Labour and Employment Law) – York University.
LLB (Law) – University of Toronto.
BA (History) – Queen’s University.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Emily Gaszynski.
MA (Economics) – Queen’s University.
BA (Economics) – York University.
Pierre-Pascal Gendron.
PhD (Economics) – University of Toronto.
MA (Economics) – Queen’s University.
BSc (Economics) – Université de Montréal.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Isabelle Giroux.
PhD (Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management) – University of Hertfordshire.
MSc (Organization Development) – Pepperdine University.
BSocSc (Political Science) – University of Ottawa.
Michael Ho.
PhD (Economics) – University of Toronto.
MA (Economics) – University of Guelph.
BA (Management and Economics) – University of Guelph.
Ned Ismail.
MBA (Business Administration) – Northwestern University.
BComm (Business) – University of Saskatchewan.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Maya Liberman.
MBA (Strategic Marketing) – McMaster University.
BA (Psychology) – McMaster University.
Alain Londes.
MBA (Business Administration) – Dalhousie University.
MA (Russian Studies) – Carleton University.
BA (Russian and Political Science) – McGill University.
Lynn McAuliffe.
MBA (Business Administration) – University of Toronto.
BA (Sociology) – University of Western Ontario.
Wayne McLennan.
MA (Counselling Psychology) – New York University.
BA (Psychology) – McMaster University.
Firat Mercier.
MBA (Business Administration) – Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
BSc (Engineering) – Bogazici University.
Adela Nistor.
PhD (Applied Economics) – Purdue University.
MSc (Economics) – Purdue University.
BSc (International Economics and Trade) – Babes Bolyai University.
Jeff Oestreicher.
MAcc (Accounting) – University of Waterloo.
BEd (Business) – University of Western Ontario.
BA (Accounting) – University of Waterloo.
Robert Ogilvie.
MEd (Teaching and Learning) – Brock University.
BE (Adult Education) – Brock University.
Diploma (Business Administration) – Mount Royal College, AB.
Norma Ouellette.
MBA (Business) – Simon Fraser University.
BA (English) – University of British Columbia.
Owen Parker.
PhD (Organizational Sociology) – York University.
MBA (Business Administration) – Athabasca University.
MA (Sociology) – York University.
BA (Psychology and Law) – Carleton University.
Business Management Diploma - Sir Sandford Fleming College.
Richard Pitteway.
MBA (Hospitality Management) - University of Guelph.
Janet Porter.
DBA (Organizational Analysis) – Athabasca University.
MEng (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) – University of Toronto.
BASc (Mechanical Engineering) – University of Waterloo.
BA – Concordia University.
John Pucic.
PhD (Industrial Relations and Human Resources) – University of Toronto.
MIR (Industrial Relations and Human Resources) – University of Toronto.
BASc – York University.
Amar Rahou.
PhD (Financial Forecasting) – University of Glamorgan.
MSc (Management and Development of International Financial Systems) – University of Glamorgan.
BSc (Accounting) – Al-Mustansiriya University.
Jafar Razmi.
PhD (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) – University of Bradford.
MEng (Engineering Management) – University of Ottawa.
BSc (Industrial Engineering) – Sharif University of Technology.
Ramesh Saxena.
PhD (Economics) – Jawaharlal Nehru University.
MBA (Business Administration) – University of Ottawa.
MA (Economics) – University of Toronto.
MPhil (International Studies) – Jawaharlal Nehru University.
MA (Economics) – University of Delhi.
BA (Economics) – University of Delhi.
PhD (Management) – Queen’s University.
BBA (Business Administration) – University of New Brunswick.
Graeme Simpson.
MA (Philosophy) – University of Guelph.
BA (Psychology and Philosophy) – University of Guelph.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Bruce Sinclair.
MASc (Fashion Merchandising Management) – State University of New York.
BA – University of Toronto.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Rakhshinda Sira.
PhD (Management) – Aligarh Muslim University.
MSc (Agricultural Economics and Business Management) – Aligarh Muslim University.
Ryan Snider.
PhD (Geography and Environmental Management) – University of Waterloo.
MA (Geography and International Development Studies) – University of Guelph.
BA (Geography and International Development) – Trinity Western University.
Michelle Souilliere.
MPA (Public Administration) – University of Victoria.
BSc (Psychology) – McMaster University.
Malvin Spooner.
MBA (Business Administration) – University of Western Ontario.
MA (Economics) – University of Western Ontario.
BA (Economics and History) – University of Toronto.
Ramesh Srinivasan.
MA (Hotel Administration) - Institut de Management Hôtelier International.
BA (Economics and Statistics) – University of Bombay.
Professor and Program Coordinator.
Mark Stoiko.
MA – York University.
BA – University of Toronto.
PhD (Corporate Strategy) – University of Pau et des Pays de L’Adour.
MBA (Business Administration) - University of Pau et des Pays de L’Adour.
BBA (Business Administration) – University of Shenyang.
Aqeela Tabassum.
PhD (Economics) – York University.
MA (Economics) – York University.
MSc (Economics) – International Islamic University.
Daniel Tsai.
MBA (Business Administration) – Cornell University.
MBA (Business Administration) – Queen’s University.
LLM (Law and Technology) – University of Ottawa.
BA (English and Psychology) – University of Victoria.
Norm Tulsiani.
LLM (Law) – York University.
LLB (Law) – York University.
BA – York University.
Manpreet Walia.
MBA (International Hospitality Management) – Cornell University.
BA (International Hotel and Tourism Management) – Manchester Metropolitan University.
BA (Hotel and Catering Management) – Institute of Hotel Management.
BA (Psychology) – Punjab University.
MBA (Financial Management) – Central Michigan University.
BA (Business Administration) – Wilfrid Laurier University.
Yvonne Yip.
MBA (Business Administration) – Athabasca University.
BComm (Retail Management) – Ryerson University.
Youssef Youssef.
PhD (Management) – Federal University of Santa Catharina, Brazil.
MSc (Production Engineering) – Federal University of Santa Catharina, Brazil.
Certificate (University Teaching) – Carleton University.
Certificate (University Leadership and Administration) – Inter-American Organization for Higher Education Internship, Sherbrook University, PQ.
Violet Zhang.
MA (Communication and Culture) – York University.
MA (Economics) – York University.
BA (Economics) – York University.
Sua carreira.
Both the private and public sectors are looking for financial analysts, managers and advisors, and the demand will only grow in the future. Our degree will help you work towards a career that will see you build, shape and support financial organizations.
Our program provides the knowledge, hands-on experience and skills necessary for you to become an analyst or consultant in:
You’ll also be positioned to pursue graduate studies or take on a more specialized role as a financial analyst, financial advisor/planner, banker, money manager or claims adjuster. As a highly qualified financial expert, you’ll have the potential to be promoted to mid - or senior-management positions as your career progresses. And if working for yourself appeals to you, you’ll have the know-how and experience to channel that entrepreneurial spirit and start your own business.
Professional Accreditations & Reconhecimento.
The Bachelor of Commerce - Finance program has been accepted into the CFA Institute University Recognition Program. This status is granted to institutions whose degree program(s) incorporate at least 70% of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK), which provide students with a solid grounding in the CBOK and positions them well to sit for the CFA exams.
Successful completion of the program provides graduates with credit that may be used toward industry credentials, including:
Additional requirements and/or costs may apply.
Note: The requirements for the additional credential(s) are determined by the granting body, which is independent from the College. Students are encouraged to obtain the specific requirements directly from the granting body before enrolling.
The Finance Degree Reaches New Status.
The Business School gets right to the heart of training, working in consultation with industry, other academic institutions and the Ministry to develop a rigorous curriculum to meet industry needs. As such, it is not surprising that the program has received recognition from the CFA Institute.
Estudar no exterior.
Degree students may qualify for Study Abroad opportunities.
Ministry Consent.
Humber has been granted consent by the Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development to offer this honours degree for a seven-year term starting April 27, 2012. In conformity with the Minister’s criteria and requirements, Humber will submit an application for the renewal of the consent for this program 12 months prior to the expiration of the consent. Humber shall ensure that all students admitted to this above-named program during the period of consent will have the opportunity to complete the program within a reasonable time frame.
Every attempt is made to ensure that information contained in this website is current and accurate. Humber reserves the right to correct any error or omission, modify or cancel any course, program, fee, timetable or campus location at any time without prior notice or liability to users or any other Person.

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